The Journey Began…..
August 2020. That date conjures up different emotions and memories for each of us. COVID and school changes, masks, remote work, Zoom and lots of unknowns were the focus for so many. For me, it is a date where God began a work I couldn’t have ever imagined possible.
In our county, school had been set to start and then delayed for three weeks to make plans for the new online and in person options that the state of Florida had given to schools. One evening my friend Sarah, who was teaching 3rd grade at the time, began to share all the challenges that COVID was presenting. She seemed overwhelmed by all of the challenges. But the more I listened and the more questions I asked, the more I knew that we could help.
So, the next day Sarah invited me on a tour of the school and the neighborhood surrounding the school. My heart was moved as I heard the stories of the families through Sarah’s eyes. Stories that were ripe with the challenges of poverty along with the fresh challenges of COVID. I came home knowing that I had to help in some way.
The next day the executive pastor from Riverside Church and I met with the principal to see how Edgewood and Riverside might partner together for the sake of the kids and the teachers. A plan began to develop, one that we hoped would make a huge difference. But, like all things, I just wasn’t sure what would happen.
Principal Nader said that she had about 150 kids that could use weekend food bags. I was unsure if we would be able to provide that amount each weekend. I did not want to over promise and under deliver, but at my hesitation, Principal Nader said, “If you can make 30 bags, I will give them to the neediest 30 kids.” I set out for a goal of 30 bags for the kids.
We announced the challenge to the church and asked them to bring in food. The next week, I was overcome by the generosity of God’s people. The food just kept coming…and coming… and coming. When we added up the supplies, we had enough to feed 150 kids! And have been feeding 150 every weekend since then.
And that was just the beginning. We started with food and things have grown. School uniforms have been supplied, teachers are receiving extra support, and Riverside Church volunteers are in genuine relationship with teachers and staff at the school. Little did I know in August 2020 what would begin. But I shouldn’t be surprised, because whenever I make myself available to be used by God, he shows up and does all the heavy lifting. And he often does more than we could ever ask or imagine.